About Us

An interactive platform to help scientists and public health professionals query and analyze pathogen sequences. The core team is at the cEvo group at ETH Zurich but we are grateful for our many contributors from around the globe: you can find our team here. We are funded by ETH Zurich and the US CDC's Office of Advanced Molecular Detection (OAMD).

Open Source Tooling

Code is available on GitHub, with customizable components to build your own dashboards. We use data from the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) and Pathoplexus, read more about our data processing here.


How to cite

If this dashboard has been useful for you, we would be grateful if you cite the following paper:
Chen, C., Nadeau, S., Yared, M., Voinov, P., Ning, X., Roemer, C. & Stadler, T. "CoV-Spectrum: Analysis of globally shared SARS-CoV-2 data to Identify and Characterize New Variants" Bioinformatics (2021); doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btab856.
If you queried data through our LAPIS API, please consider citing:
Chen, C., Taepper, A., Engelniederhammer, F., Kellerer, J., Roemer, C. & Stadler, T. "LAPIS is a fast web API for massive open virus sequencing data" Bioinformatics (2021); doi: 10.1186/s12859-023-05364-3.


Feedback, suggestions, bug reports and active contributions are highly welcome, please create an issue in our Github repository. For general questions, please contact Chaoran Chen (chaoran.chen@bsse.ethz.ch). For media requests, please reach out to ETH Zurich Media Relations (mediarelations@hk.ethz.ch). A list of all team members can be found here.